Welcome To JIT Engineering College Nashik

*Hearty Congratulations to all HSC Students*

Program Educational Objectives for Electrical Engineering

  • To solve engineering / industrial problems by employing various learning resources and modern tools.

  • To design products to meet social, economic and environmental demand by innovative ideas.

  • To investigate complex problems and take up research and development work in the allied fields.

  • To communicate effectively through oral and written presentation of technical reports, adopting lifelong learning with integrity and ethics; and they will have interpersonal skills required to lead and nurture diverse teams.

Program Specific Outcomes for Electrical Engineering

List of Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):

  • Apply science, engineering, mathematics through differential equations and integral calculus, complex variables to solve electrical engineering problems.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in use of software & hardware to be required to practice Electrical engineering profession.