Person's Photo

Mrs. G. P. Mohole

  HOD, Department of AI&DS Engineering

HOD Details

Date Of Joining:17/06/2012

Qualification:PhD, Pursuing, UG and PG: First Class with Distinction

Designation: HOD

Total Experience:23 Yrs

Paper Published:National :- 04 International :-04

Paper Presented:National:-02 International:-04

Message from the Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department

Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department at JIT Nashik! Our department is committed to delivering a comprehensive and dynamic education that equips students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the rapidly evolving fields of AI and data science. Our curriculum blends theoretical foundations with practical applications, preparing graduates to address both current and future challenges in the industry.

We pride ourselves on our innovative teaching approaches, state-of-the-art facilities, and a dedicated faculty team that brings extensive expertise and passion to the classroom. Students benefit from advanced laboratories, research opportunities, and partnerships with industry leaders, all of which contribute to a rich educational experience.

As the Head of the Department, I am dedicated to fostering academic excellence, pioneering research, and active community engagement. I invite you to explore our programs and join us in our mission to advance excellence in artificial intelligence and data science.


Mrs. G. P. Mohole
Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Department, JIT Nashik