Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Program Objectives

Program Educational Objectives for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

  • To design innovative, efficient, and sustainable solutions for AI and data science challenges using acquired knowledge.
  • To demonstrate adaptability in personal and professional contexts.
  • To advance professionally through the development of technical, managerial, and communication skills, along with leadership qualities.
  • To uphold professional ethics, social responsibility, and an understanding of global issues relevant to AI and data science projects.

Program Specific Outcomes for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

  • Function effectively as AI and data science consultants in various industries.
  • Develop sustainable solutions for AI and data science problems.
  • Collaborate on multidisciplinary teams to solve complex engineering challenges.
  • Communicate technical information effectively to diverse audiences.
  • Recognize the importance of continuous learning and engage in lifelong education.
  • Design systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs within realistic constraints.
  • Understand and apply professional and ethical responsibilities in AI and data science practice.